2025: Dr. Dhillon is again one of the co-chairs of the Workshop on Synergies of Communication, Localization, and Sensing Towards 6G at IEEE ICC 2025 in Montreal, Canada. Dr. Buehrer is serving on the steering committee of this workshop.
2024: Dr. Dhillon delivered an invited talk titled “Fundamentals of Vision-Based Geolocation” at 2024 SPCOM, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
2024: Dr. Buehrer delivered a keynote based on this project at the Workshop on Synergies of Communication, Localization, and Sensing Towards 6G in IEEE ICC 2024, in Denver, CO, USA.
2024: Dr. Dhillon was one of the co-chairs of the Workshop on Synergies of Communication, Localization, and Sensing Towards 6G at IEEE ICC 2024, in Denver, CO, USA.
2023: Dr. Dhillon delivered an invited talk titled “Fundamentals of Landmark-Based Geolocation” at the IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Hualien, Taiwan. He also presented three posters based on this project. He was invited to present at this event for being the winner of the IEEE ComSoc CTTC Early Achievement Award.
2023-now: The VT team is collaborating with Qualcomm on multiple aspects of NTN-based 6G localization. It has already led to multiple publications, including a vision paper on the role of LEOs in NTN-based localization and more recent article on the same general topic.
2023: Dr. Dhillon attended “Workshop on Synergies of Communication, Localization, and Sensing towards 6G” at IEEE ICC 2023 in Rome, Italy. This allowed him to discuss results from this project with the localization community.
2022: Two student teams from this project mentored by Drs. Dhillon and Buehrer are finalists in the 2022 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship. These are the only two finalists from Virginia Tech.
2022-now: Graduate students Gaurav Duggal, Harish Dureppagari, an Don-Roberts Emenonye discussed their results from this project with their colleagues at Samsung, Nokia, and Qualcomm during their internships. These have also resulted in follow up joint works with colleagues from Qualcomm.
2022-now: PIs are discussing this research theme in their courses, including ECE 3614 Introduction to Communication Systems, ECE 5605 Stochastic Signals and Systems, ECE 5654 Advanced Digital Communications, and ECE 6634 Multi-Channel Communications.
2022-now: Simulation codes of the papers related to stochastic geometry are being shared on Dr. Dhillon’s Stochastic Geometry GitHub Page.